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Sistema Progetto, by the , suite, offers to the Projects Organization and Control the expertise matured in the Application of the Information Systems to the techniques of Project Management, both through the offer of specialistic Softwares and by intervening in the identification and the development of customized systems based on specific needs.
The offered Softwares have been developed by Sistema Progetto, by integrating the expertise acquired in the Organization, in the Project Development and Control, also complex, with the potentiality of advanced information systems.
The Software functionalities and their logical schemas derive from procedures and operative modalities applied to real and successfully tested cases.
The softwares of Intelligent Byte series use formats that allow the easy integration with other software (Interoperability).
During the installation of the Softwares, Sistema Progetto can support the customer both from an information point of view and by the Process applicative issues.

si avvale, per lo sviluppo dei suoi prodotti e per l'assistenza post vendita, di una struttura articolata su tutte le competenze necessarie, organizzata con una chiara identificazione dei compiti e con collaudate modalità operative di lavoro di gruppo.

per le derivazioni di nuovi prodotti dalle tecniche più avanzate di Project Management, di Project Control, di organizzazione dei processi, per servizi di Project Management,di Project Control e di organizzazione nell'utilizzo dei software proposti da Sistema Progetto e nella loro integrazione con altri software già utilizzati dall'utente.

per l’assistenza ai clienti

@lgenib informatica S.r.l
per la scrittura dei software

With the Series is possible to organize:

  • The project documentation development, from the Design to the Maintenance and Management phase
  • The costs calculation and control
  • The integrated scheduling of development times of the project phases
By using the same tree-structuring of the Project (, Work Planning Breakdown Structure) is possible to integrate constantly the project documentation, with the realization times and costs of the works.


It’s a tool for promoting the development of the complete and coherent project contents and for organizing them for a better project management. The usage helps organizing the designing processes and the promotion of the standardization, also through the data banks creation.

software has been developed for creating the project and for using it in the organization of the project contents.

The software, based on a huge experience on the application of the to projects also complex, is an intelligent tool that guides the user through the “WIZARD” modality for the creation of the project, of the project documentation list and of the organization, on the developed , of all the project contents and in particular of the critical ones, as functionalities, norms, costs and times.

Click on images to zoom in

With it is possible to:

  • develop the base functional analysis of a project
  • identify all the necessary works according to increasing detailed levels, from the functional to the material ones (Work Planning Break Down Structure - )
  • identify, in a focused and selective way, the design and specialized areas
  • recognize, organize and program the project documentation to be produced for completing the necessary project progress
  • sustain the information management by organizing, on the items, the project information, by highlighting the state and the availability in dedicated reports
  • organize the estimative metric calculation in a structured way on the items
  • facilitate the costs control of the project

facilitates also the cultural growing of the organization and helps the management to facilitate the knowledge management through the creation of specialized data banks.

is also developed according to criteria that allow the integration with other systems (Interoperability) and, in particular, allows to:

  • interface in a native way to other softwares
  • save the data of the project as XML file and also to export data in a SQL

Recent Applications

Project and Construction Management Activities

  • School and University Buildings
  • Hospital sector
  • Real estate sector

Project Control Activities

  • Trade show complex

Project Management Technical Application for Complex Projects

  • Road Infrastructure
  • Intermodal
  • Construction companies
  • Airport Structures


  • Knowledge Management
    The solutions of allow the structuring of in an efficient way of the Knowledge Management through data banks with information focused on the growing of organization knowledge
  • The full integration of the project
    The focus of the solutions of is to support the Project Manager for all the project management activities, especially for the complex and critical ones. The system guarantees the complete management of the project
  • Based on
    is based on the , the main tool of the most advanced Project Management
  • The full process management
    allows the integration of all the processes of a work order management by receiving the data in input, also from other software, and by releasing output useful to :
    • Informative process (also through structured workflow) Scheduling
    • Costs Control
    • Accounting
    • Project Documentation Management
    • Quality
  • Developed on client-server architecture
    The database is installed on the server machine and allows the connection of many clients to the same database. In this way each entity of the process can intervene in the development of the structure by sharing the updated information
  • Integrated management of multiple projects
    allows the multiproject management when more projects are connected to a master project or reference plan
  • Complete communication with external environment
    All the data of a project can be exported toward the external environment and the data can also be imported through Excel files
  • Uniqueness interface
    Unique structure for project documentation, costs and times
  • Customizable visualization
    The system allows customizable visualizations through the definition of layouts and attributes

Description represents the integration, on Web modality, of the . functionalities. Its idea and development come from the need of allowing the sharing of the structured system of information, that can be organized with , from multiple project entities.

In details can

  • Add to the functionalities of the performances of communication of the data that can be obtained via WEB
  • Be characterized as a plug-in of that can be installed on the PC where runs.

With, through a system of scalar accesses regulated by password, it is possible to:

  • View the WPBS structure developed in by the Project Manager or the Project Control
  • View the structure of the project contents defined by the Project Manager or the Project Control
  • Associate to the WPBS items the electronic files relative to the project contents expected in the structure.
  • View the electronic files associated to the WPBS items
  • Download the electronic files associated to the WPBS items
  • Know the updated state of the associated files in real-time.


is online
It allows accessing and managing the project only through the web connection by maintaining the main functionalities of the Corporate version.


The effectiveness of a system of costs control of a project is influenced by the reliability of the basic information on the valuated costs. For this reason it is necessary that the costs are calculated with a system that allows to identify completely all the quantities related to the work that has to be realized and to select the unit applicable prices. For this reason allows to organize the prices lists from which it is possible to derive the unit prices and to recognize the relative quantities to be valued. The quantities are recognized according to the project structure tree in order to guarantee the completeness and the correlation with the graphical project documentation that can be associated to the single items of the structure (that can be executed with ). allows also to derive from the calculated costs the parametric costs and to use them as comparison elements on the costs control and as reference elements in the data banks.

allows also to calculate the parametric costs and to create the data banks that facilitate the economics feasibility analysis of new initiatives.

In particular , according to schemas predefined and customizable in a guided way, helps the project team to:

  • Define the project WPBS
  • Characterize the WPBS items through the characteristic parameters that qualify the item
  • Create the unit prices lists
  • Develop the structure of the calculation on the project defined by the WPBS
  • Identify the quantities
  • Calculate the costs
  • Develop the parametric costs
  • Create the data banks of WPBS and of reference costs


  • Integrated management of costs and returns
    The application manages in the same structure both costs and returns
  • Complete and efficient Bill of Quantity
    The Bill of Quantity can be completely managed and developed with easy insertion and modification operations
  • Prices lists for each need
    It is possible to create and manage multiple prices lists for each need
  • The historical costs always available
    The management of historical costs through the phases makes the data always available
  • The continuous integration
    The costs environment is interconnected with the planning and the time ones


is a plug-in of software that expands its functionalities to the identification of the activities of the execution cycle of the project, to the organization of the data necessary to the planning of the resources and to the integration of the times program with all the other connected project.

In particular can:

  • Add to the functionalities of identification, planning and scheduling of the detail activities of the phases of design, procurement and building and all the other development processes for the realization of a work
  • Characterize as a plug-in of and can be installed on the installation PC of

With it is possible to:

  • Identify the different categories of activities, that can be customized by the user
  • Associate to the single items the activities per categories
  • Export the activities, structured on the , toward specific programming softwares, such as Microsoft Project and Primavera


  • The activities, always associated to the items
    The activities are associated to the items and it is possible to assign resources, attributes, project contents and documentation to them
  • Management of the integrated planning for the connected projects
    In case of multiproject the planning of the connected projects is managed in an integrated modality
  • Full management of the resources
    The resources management is complete and efficient in all the project phases, from the definition to the assignment for each activity, to the needs calculation
  • The easy planning with the Gantt Diagram
    The management and visualization of the complete planning of the project activities is implemented through the typical Gantt display, enriched by many functionalities that allow the selection and the data extrapolation, such as the S curves


With is possible to integrate the actors that take part to the project processes through the organization of the information flows and communications and organize the Project Portal.

With the project contents and their fluxes are organized in a complete way and according to the needs of the production and decision processes. The project state is always available and updated, to all the components of the project team. The project interactions are soon developed via Internet. The travelling and the coordination meeting are reduced to minimum.

The software has been developed for improving the management of compex projects and, in particular: the organization, the sharing and the control of all the project contents developed and always updated to the last revision.

The software is built on a wide experience in the field of organization and management of compex projects and is realized in a web - based technology; it is a tool for the support of all the project team members in the management, control and operative area, during all the process and from the preliminary design phase to the test and start-up phase.

With it is possible to:

  • Organize the project fluxes according to the specific needs and peculiarities of the project
  • Structure the access protocols of the single users based on the tasks and of the responsibility identified for each of them in the project organization chart
  • Share, in a unique structured virtual environment, all the project information updated to the last revision
  • Upload, download and view the files in the web browser
  • Send communication, assign tasks, report the criticalities found during the project development
  • Control in real time the project on the last available project definitions
  • Intervene soon on the found criticalities also by chat discussions
  • Reduce the times for editing internal project reports and for reporting to clients
  • Make more efficient and less expensive all the coordination activities.

Project and Construction Management Activities

  • School and University Buildings
  • Plants

Project Control Activities

  • Airport Structures
  • Construction companies

Technical applications of Project Management to complex projects

  • Road Infrastructure
  • Intermodal


  • Knowledge Management
    The Solutions of allow the structuring of in an efficient way of the Knowledge Management through data banks with information focused on the growing of organization knowledge
  • Always available
    Based on web technology, allows the constant accessibility to the project portal
  • Complete control and integration
    The project documentation are shared with all the users involved and can be downloaded and modified at any time
  • Easy to organize
    With ControlRoom it is possible to organize the project contents in the usual structure of folders and subfolders; with the system of revisions it is always possible to upload the updated version of a project documentation by always maintaining the past revisions
  • Updated in real time
    The users involved in the project are informed by email about the insertion of contents
  • Easy availability of all the information
    • It is possible to find and export reports focused on each kind of information inserted during the project development
    • It is an excellent window for the document management and allows the management of all the documentation, the notes, the attachments, the revisions, the protocols and the correspondence by sharing all the project information with all the users
  • Communication and workflow
    Through an easy system of communication and tasks assignment, the project integration and collaboration is facilitated. The users are involved in workflow process according to the role covered in the project
  • Reinforce the management capability of the team
    • It is possible to structure the project portal on the fluxes of the information that represent the process status; in this way it is possible to interconnect all the entities on the value chain through the sharing of structured and focused information on the needs of the decision process
    • The structuring of the information can be developed by working parts if is used with the Suite applications
    • It is a powerful tool for facilitating and improving the Project Management
  • Save time and costs
    The system allows organizing and managing in an efficient way the contents during the project life cycle by guaranteeing time and costs saving

The software solutions can be used in a stand-alone or integrated modality: in this way all the interconnected processes of development and control are effectively correlated in a complete schema of Project Management and Project Control.

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